A Letter of Greeting

Dear Choristers,
Welcome to Russia!
Our adventures have scarcely begun, but we can rest this first night satisfied with how far we have already come. We have reached our destination through a communal effort.
Some of you have created beautiful art for the purpose of this trip – new symbols of our group that will last for years to come. Others printed music for the rest of the chorus. Some volunteered contacts in Russia who booked us concerts. Some led the musical  preparation for the tour. Some traveled far to submit and collect visa applications. Some transliterated new music. Some have volunteered their finances, others time, others energy and wisdom.
Some, of course, have done more than others – and to them we are thankful beyond measure. But now is the hour when all join together equally in the great work we have gathered to do, which is the making of song. We have come here through the efforts of many, but we will succeed here only through the efforts of all. Every voice counts, reminding me of lines written long ago: “Everyone’s voice was suddenly lifted / and beauty came like the setting sun.” But I would not say it that way. This is not the setting of a sun, but its rising, and the dawn of a new era for the chorus. We are the vanguard.
Yours, always,
Stepan Sveshnikov


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